Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 17th - Leprechauns On The Loose!

Once again the leprechauns messed up our classroom while looking for gold!  They did not find any, but they left notes and the kindergartners were soon on a treasure hunt of their own that sent them through the school following clues!  It was very exciting and at the end, they finally found their own treasure - gold wrapped candy!  It was a fun and silly time for the kids!  Johanna said to the class in a spooky voice, "This is not even a game.  This is serious."

Mrs. Gerber found this note after hearing some rustling
in her office and seeing a flash of green.

The cook saw something green whiz by and then
saw a note taped to her door under the shamrock.

Mrs. Wilson, their music teacher, said she heard
some racket and then saw a green note on the piano.

"The leprechauns are crazy!"

Each kindergartner got to find a note and
read it to their friends.

The last note said that you will find your treasure 
in a place you like to play.

Tucker found the treasure in the toy area!

The kindergartners LOVED the treasure hunt and 
all the excitement that these silly leprechauns 
conjured up.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On a side note...I have done this St. Patrick's Day treasure hunt every year for 27 years, except for last year due to the pandemic.  I often ask older students what they remember about kindergarten and they often say that this treasure hunt, Rascal and our field trip were three of the things they remember.

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